Panasonic company
09 December 2020 ❤ 1![Panasonic company](/img/articleimg/altumcode-Ui3zMjpMrmM-unsplash.jpg)
Panasonic corporations located in Osaka, Japan is a top leading appliance company The Chief Executive Officer (Ceo) of Panasonic is Kazuhiro Tsuga. The company was incorporated in December 1935. However, the foundation was laid in March 1918. the capital stock of Panasonic is 258.9 Billion per year. The number of employees currently working at Panasonic is 259,385 people. The total number of consolidated companies of Panasonic is 529. Net Sales of the company are 74906. 6 Billion yen. In their appliance division, they provide a variety of products and services. They deal in both B2B and B2C businesses. While dealing with B2C they focus on products like beauty and health. On the other hand, when they are in the B2B business they focus on more commercially worth things like cooling and heating appliances. 松下公司 松下公司位於日本大阪,是一家領先的家用電器公司 松下的首席執行官(Ceo)是津賀和宏。該公司成立於1935年12月。但是,該基金會成立於1918年3月。松下的股本為每年2589億美元。目前在松下工作的員工人數為259,385人。松下的合併公司總數為529。公司的淨銷售額為74906。60億日元。他們在設備部門提供各種產品和服務。他們從事B2B和B2C業務。在與B2C打交道時,他們專注於美容和健康等產品。另一方面,當他們從事B2B業務時,他們專注於商業價值更高的事物,例如冷卻和加熱設備。
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