Different things


04 October 2020 ❤ 2

In simple words, a backpack is a cloth or leather sack that is carried on a person's back, and therefore it has the name "backpack". The backpack has two straps that a person wears and they hold the backpack to the shoulders.  Some backpacks are made up of light material and mostly students carry them on a single shoulder.  Backpacks are used for carrying your stuff both light and heavy to customize and store your products which you cant carry in your hands.  Large backpacks are capable of carrying weights of approximately 10 kg. Such backpacks have waist/hip belts for maximum support. In this way, backpacks ease up the process of carrying weights and to travel to long distances easily.  In ancient times, people used a similar concept to carry their tools for catching the prey, or they sometimes also used to bring the prey in the backpack.  簡單來說,背包是布或皮革袋,背在人的背上,因此名稱為“背包”。該背包有兩條皮帶供人佩戴,它們將背包固定在肩膀上。 一些背包是用輕質材料製成的,大多數學生是將它們放在一個單肩上。 背包既可以用來搬運輕重物品,也可以用來定制和存放您無法搬運的產品。 大型背包的重量約為10公斤。這樣的背包有腰帶/臀部帶,以提供最大的支撐。這樣,背包可以減輕舉重的過程,並輕鬆長途跋涉。 在遠古時代,人們使用類似的概念攜帶工具來捕獲獵物,或者有時也將獵物帶入背包。

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