Computer Software

Biggest Chinese Software Companies

29 January 2021 ❤ 0
Biggest Chinese Software Companies

The Chinese software companies are rapidly growing with a ceaseless rate of growth. In 2014 Chinese industry grew almost double as it was in 2009. Chinese has been leading the world's biggest software in the world. And according to the venture capital firm, china had been listed for operating 20 of the world's biggest tech giants. This is only because of the ratio of the engineers' china produces per year, which is almost more them 100000 people per year. Few of the worlds biggest Chinese software companies are

  • China Mobile
  • Tencent
  • Alibaba
  • Baidu
  • Xiaomi
中国的软件公司正在快速增长,并且不断增长。 2014年,中国行业的增长几乎是2009年的两倍。中国一直引领着世界上最大的软件。根据这家风险投资公司的数据,中国已经入围了全球20家最大的科技巨头的运营名单。这仅是因为工程师每年在中国的产量所占比例,几乎是他们每年10万人的比例。世界上最大的中国软件公司中,鲜有
  • 中国移动
  • 腾讯网
  • 阿里巴巴
  • 百度
  • 小米

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