Ancient Games
13 December 2020 ❤ 2
Archery, rowing, card, and board games were popular, too. Maybe you've played Parcheesi, chess, or backgammon. These games were started in ancient China. Flying kites was another fun way to pass the time, and it was also a form of art Stone balls. During the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), kicking a stone ball around was a popular sport in the northern part of China, and it was often played in the winter to keep warm. Flying kites. Kites have quite a long history. Hide-and-seek. Watching shadow plays. Playing diabolo. Firecrackers 文化內幕:中國古代的兒童遊戲 射箭,划船,紙牌和棋盤遊戲也很受歡迎。也許您玩過parcheesi,國際象棋或西洋雙陸棋。這些遊戲始於中國古代。放風箏是打發時間的另一種有趣方式,也是一種藝術形式 石球。在清朝(1644-1911)期間,在中國北方流行打石球是一項流行的運動,通常在冬天進行以保暖。 放風箏。風箏歷史悠久。 捉迷藏。 看皮影戲。 玩空竹。 鞭炮
Star Wars
May the force be with you! The epic battles and iconic characters make Star Wars a timeless classic.
By Grace Wong, 31 Dec 24