Traditional chinese medicine herbs list
05 December 2020 ❤ 1
For thousands of years Chinese have been using several herbs for treating their diseases and for healing purposes. Chinese folks use several herbs, diet, acupuncture, cupping, and the qigong to prevent and cure several fatal diseases. Treatment through chinese medicines is reffered as “TCM”. Still in China, they use these medicines along with the modern medicine but it may surprise you that in America, Chinese medicine is used as an alternative.Mainly chinese use their herb magic for treating these diseases: Allergies Anxiety Back pain Depression Diabetes Arthritis Eczema Hives Acne Psoriasis Insomnia High blood pressure Fertility Menopause Obesity Parkinson’s disease As compared to modern medicine, where treatment is done by recognizing and diagnosing the disease. But in TCM, the cure is done by identifying the imbalance. For example, a person having insomnia may be suffering from iron deficiency or kidney Yin deficiency etc. 中藥材清單 幾千年來,中國人一直在使用幾種草藥來治療疾病和治癒疾病。中國人使用幾種草藥,飲食,針灸,拔罐和氣功來預防和治愈幾種致命的疾病。中藥治療簡稱為“ TCM”。仍然在中國,他們將這些藥物與現代藥物一起使用,但您可能會感到驚訝,在美國,中藥被用作替代品。主要是中國人使用他們的草藥魔術來治療這些疾病: 過敏症 焦慮 背痛 蕭條 糖尿病 關節炎 濕疹 麻疹 粉刺 銀屑病 失眠 高血壓 生育能力 絕經 肥胖 帕金森氏病 與現代醫學相比,通過識別和診斷疾病來進行治療。但是在中醫中,治愈是通過識別不平衡來完成的。例如,失眠的人可能患有鐵缺乏症或腎陰虛症等。
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