
The latest information in China

12 December 2020 ❤ 3
The latest information in China

The statue of Cybele returned to Turkey almost after 60 years. The important thing, it is 1700 years old.  According to the experts, the Xi speech about Climate ambition on the summit encouraged the confidence of power-owners towards taking some serious global betterment actions According to the health minister, the Covid-19 cases in Rwanda has reached alarming stages. A young Zambian took the skincare challenge to the next level and opened up a new cosmetic producing company.  China is on top in the ranking of MOOC applications, says the minister.  In terms of the digital economy, the technology clubs of Beijing are on the top.  中國最新信息 Cybele的雕像在60年後返回土耳其。重要的是,它已經有1700年的歷史。 專家們說,習近平在峰會上發表的關於氣候野心的演講鼓勵了電力所有者對採取一些嚴肅的全球改善行動的信心 據衛生部長稱,盧旺達的Covid-19病例已達到令人震驚的階段。 一位年輕的讚比亞人將護膚挑戰推向了新的高度,並開設了一家新的化妝品生產公司。 這位部長說,中國在MOOC申請中排名第一。 在數字經濟方面,北京的技術俱樂部位居榜首。

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China technological innovation

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China And Its Collaboration With Other Countries

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The aftermath of the Lantern Festival 2021

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Wall of china

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By Alexander Wong, 10 Oct 24

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Chinas commitment to providing financial assistance for carbon reduction and energy transformation is a positive step towards tackling climate change. By investing in renewable energy and promoting sustainable practices, China is setting an example for other countries to follow. This will not only benefit the environment but also boost their economy in the long run.

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Chinese social media 

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