How many international companies are in China?
06 December 2020 ❤ 2
To work in the Chinese market is not a bed of roses. However, there are many companies that have acknowledged several successful eras in this complex and technical market. There are several successful foreign companies running successfully in China. They are successful both by the figures and due to well-oriented and analytical strategies. The key behind the success of these companies is that they deal in the way according to which Chinese market and people work and hence they are acquiring solid figures and brand name. The top foriegn companies working in China ate: IKEA Eurobakery LinkedIn Buurtzorg Evernote 中國有多少家國際公司? 在中國市場上工作並非一帆風順。但是,有許多公司已經承認了在這個複雜的技術市場上的成功時代。有幾家成功的外國公司在中國成功運營。無論是通過數據還是基於明確的分析策略,它們都是成功的。這些公司成功的關鍵在於,他們以與中國市場和人們工作有關的方式進行交易,因此他們獲得了堅實的形象和品牌名稱。在中國工作的外國公司排名前列: 宜家 歐洲麵包店 領英 布爾佐格 印象筆記
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