
China And Its Collaboration With Other Countries

28 January 2021 ❤ 3
China And Its Collaboration With Other Countries

China is one of the world’s biggest superpower. And the second fastest country in the world in economic growth. China would ultimately leave the US economy behind and would-be the world's top economically growing country. China had been the world's cheapest country. It is a developed country with the world's biggest population living within. China had been showing interest in collaborating with overseas firms. China had recently collaborated with Bollywood which earned them a business of 9 billion dollars. Their biggest collaborating was helping Pakistan in the making the JF-17 thunder, which earned them a lot of consideration because JF -17 thunder is half the price of an F-16 jet. Most of the world's video games are made in china, which makes them the biggest gaming industry in the world. And China was the one who managed to end the covid from where it was originated from.

中国是世界上最大的超级大国之一。也是世界上经济增长第二快的国家。中国最终将使美国经济落后,成为世界上经济增长最快的国家。中国曾经是世界上最便宜的国家。它是世界上人口最多的发达国家。中国一直显示出与海外公司合作的兴趣。中国最近与宝莱坞(Bollywood)合作,为他们赚了90亿美元。他们最大的合作是帮助巴基斯坦制造JF-17雷声,这使他们赢得了很多考虑,因为JF -17雷声是F-16飞机价格的一半。世界上大多数视频游戏都是在中国制造的,这使它们成为世界上最大的游戏产业。中国是设法终止其起源的共产主义者的国家。

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